Windows 10 is very often silently pushed onto Windows 7 and Windows 8 computers.
You may have noticed this kind of "Windows 10" icon and message that pops up quite often:
And there's more: it is not unusual for up to 6GB of data (Windows 10 installation files) to be downloaded and installed on your local hard disk drive At SysStreaming, we believe that users should have the freedom to choose what gets installed and downloaded on their devices. This is why we have created a very simple tool that automates the removal of "Get Windows 10 app" and that recovers the related disk storage.
A version of the update that deploys "Upgrade to Windows 10" components, dated 2015/December/15, has been deployed to a lot of systems! New components related to incite or force working systems to upgrade to Windows 10 are deployed every other week.
Our tool can disable them all the same. Check our Blog articles for further details.
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Just enter your e-mail address and click "download".
Win10wiwi current version is:
This app has been downloaded 45349 times so far
(0 times during the last 7 days)
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